Monday, December 10, 2012

Off Campus Program Reflection

Today marks the end of my 14-week Off Campus Program semester here in Niagara Falls, New York completing my design thesis, project notebook, journal sketchbook, and field studies on my study topic: Tourism and its Influences to the Urban Fabric of Downtown Niagara Falls, NY.

I have researched, discussed and answered my study question, what are the influences of Niagara Falls as a tourism icon to the urban fabric of downtown Niagara Falls, NY? All together I learned to coordinate a comprehensive project that shows the development from where I have started to where I have ended.

As a reflection of my project, I must say that the Off Campus Program was quite an experience. These experiences include: learning to develop my own design process, time management skills and to be more communicative as prospective architect in the future. I have accomplished all my academic, professional, and personal objectives/goals in the completion the Off Campus Program by learning how to document an inclusive study with partial guidance from my professors in a timely manner prior to the deadline of the project. These learned skillsets will help me adjust to the future projects to come when post-graduation comes.

I will truly miss the environment and setting of working at your own pace and time. With the end of my independent study I have learned new skills that I can integrate later in the design phase of my architectural career. Thus, another phase of my undergraduate career completed there will be another phase added to my upcoming semester I am looking forward to.

As my last post to this blog, I want to thank all the people who has supported and guided me throughout my project in order to complete my design thesis. I would also like to thank you for your time and consideration in keeping up to date with my process in design as this blog did for me.  It has been a great semester and definitely an eye opening experience.

-         -  Edward L

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